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The film appreciation activity of the fourth Mental Health Month activity of Northeast Dianli University was successfully concluded
2010-05-16 19:55  

To expand the breadth of mental health education,Increase communication channels between mental health education and students,Build a good campus mental health culture atmosphere,May 16th at 2:00 p.m,The film appreciation of the fourth Mental Health Month activity of Northeast Dianli University, organized by the Department of Media Technology and Communication, was held in Room 403, College Student Activity Center。Ms. Song Jiayin, Director of the Department of Media Technology and Communication, Ms. Li Wei, full-time teacher, Ms. Wen Zhu, Ms. Zhou Lina and Ms. Zhao Bohan from the Center for Mental Health Education and Counseling, and more than 300 students from all over the school participated in the event。

Ms. Wenzhu also mobilized the minds of the students present, advocating that we should enjoy the movie and listen to the teacher's analysis with our hearts。Ms. Song Jiayin announced the beginning of the film appreciation activity and introduced Ms. Li Wei, the main speaker of the activity。Mr. Li Wei gave a wonderful and concise explanation of the film Waiting Alone, as well as a profound analysis of the life philosophy permeated in the film, which was close to reality and made people think. His language was wise and rich in connotation, profound and humorous, and caused bursts of applause from time to time。His analysis got every student in the room to start watching the film with thought and anticipation。

The film chosen this time is "Waiting Alone",It is a film filled with a rich youth atmosphere,All in a relaxed atmosphere,You'll crack up at the plot and the language,You marvel at the director's ability to be funny,Just like Li Bingbing said in the show,Life isn't easy,I just want to be happy,That's what the director is trying to tell us。Of course, however, what the director ultimately wants to tell us is that everything will be okay or life will go on, so, in the end, you will feel more warmth。And understand that there must be someone in the world who belongs to you, and all you have to do is wait, maybe that person is slowly coming to you。

Film appreciation is a form of mental health education that combines education with entertainment, which has novelty and interest。From the characteristics of the psychological development of college students, the teaching mode of film appreciation is more easily accepted and recognized by college students, and has a unique advantage in the quality education of college students。This activity is one of the fourth Mental Health Month series activities of Northeast Dianli University, which plays a good role in linking the past and the future activities undertaken by various departments。

Mr. Li Wei from the Department of Media Technology and Communication will explain and analyze the film for the students present

Students watch the movie Waiting Alone


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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012