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The psychological counseling center will hold a theme lecture on youth health education
2022-11-30 22:56  

Activity theme

"Science helps Dream · Heart Lecture - Youth Health Education Knowledge Lecture"

Activity purpose

December 1, 2022 is the 35th "World AIDS Day", this year's campaign theme is "Fighting AIDS, sharing health.。In honor of the 35th World AIDS Day,Further popularize and publicize the knowledge of AIDS prevention and treatment,Enhance college students' understanding of AIDS prevention and control knowledge,Improve students cherish life, away from AIDS awareness and the corresponding prevention ability,Effectively improve students' physical and mental health level,Create a campus atmosphere for all students to actively participate in AIDS prevention and anti-AIDS work,Play a positive role in promoting the creation of a harmonious society。

Lecturer introduction

Su Yan, former Deputy chief physician of Jilin City Infectious Disease Hospital, winner of 2020 Jilin City "May Day Labor Medal" and "Jilin Good Man · Campaign Pioneer"。In December 2021, after being transferred to the Northeast Electric Power University Hospital, he has been fighting in the front line of the epidemic。

Lecture related information

Training time: 18:30, December 1, 2022 (Thursday)

Face group: all students

Training form: Tencent conference platform

Tencent Conference number: 372 177 626

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012

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