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The school held a signing ceremony of the mental health service cooperation agreement with the Sixth People's Hospital of Jilin City
2021-12-10 10:13  

  On December 8, the University held a signing ceremony of the mental health service cooperation agreement with the Sixth People's Hospital of Jilin City in the academic center. Li Dong, Vice president of the Sixth People's Hospital of Jilin City, and Zhan Liping, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of the University attended the signing ceremony, and all students and staff participated in the signing ceremony。The ceremony was presided over by Wen Zhu, director of the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center。

Zhan Liping spoke on behalf of the school at the signing ceremony, she stressed that the Party Central Committee, the Ministry of Education, the provincial Department of Education and the school have unprecedented attention to mental health, student staff should carefully learn to understand the spirit of the relevant speeches and documents, and have a higher position and sensitivity in mental health education work。She pointed out that our school has always placed mental health education in an important position,In the organizational mechanism, work planning, team building, capital investment and other aspects have done fruitful work,It has laid a good foundation for mental health education,We should further promote and improve mental health education on this basis,Student work in the mental health education of college students is not allowed to be lower and is not allowed to have problems。She said the signing of the mental health service cooperation agreement with the Sixth People's Hospital is to work for students and introduce professional medical resources for ideological and political work,It is hoped that the two sides can continue to deepen exchanges and visits and carry out case studies on the basis of the agreement,Student work in our school can rely on this resource to explore a new model of mental health education work。

  Li Dong spoke on behalf of the Sixth People's Hospital of Jilin City,He believes that our school has done a lot of solid and exploratory work in mental health education,It has a good early warning and screening mechanism for psychological problems,The Sixth People's Hospital of Jilin City as a mental illness, mental illness specialized hospital has a very good professional and technical strength,The cooperation between the two sides is a combination of strength and strength。He said that the Sixth People's Hospital will strive to provide more convenient and high-quality public health services for college students in Jilin City, and hopes that with this cooperation agreement as a beginning, the Sixth People's Hospital can carry out closer and in-depth exchanges with our school to jointly protect the mental health of college students。

  Wang Yanpeng, director of the Department of Student Affairs, and Li Dong, vice president of the Sixth People's Hospital of Jilin City, signed the cooperation agreement on behalf of the two sides。

  After the ceremony, Sui Jibin gave a special lecture for all student staff, entitled "Clinical Medication and Psychological Examination".。He introduced the development history and the principle of action of psychotropic drugs, the commonly used clinical antidepressants, anti-anxiety drugs, antipsychotic drugs, as well as their characteristics, side effects and adverse reactions。He also explained the characteristics and applications of psychometric measurement, and how to interpret the psychometric analysis report commonly used in outpatient clinics。The content of the lecture is deep and simple, with high generalization and strong practicability, which provides effective help for the student staff to carry out work for the students and their parents。

  The cooperation Agreement on mental health services between Northeast Dianli University and the Sixth People's Hospital of Jilin City came into effect,The Sixth People's Hospital of Jilin City will provide guidance on mental health education and professional psychiatric advice according to the needs of our school,Our teachers can go to the hospital for internship, practice and training,Students with diagnostic and hospitalization needs in our school can get more convenient medical treatment through the green channel,And get part of the examination fee waived at the first visit。The establishment of the "Medical school Alliance" indicates that the working mechanism of mental health education in our school is more perfect, some links of psychological crisis prevention and intervention work are more closely linked, and our school's ability to deal with psychological crisis and serious psychological problems has been effectively improved。

Zhan Liping speaks

Speech by Li Dong

Signing ceremony site

Sui Jibin lecture

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012