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Our school held a seminar on the work of psychology committee members
2020-01-02 12:59  

In order to better build the backbone team of psychological work students in our school, improve the working ability of the psychological committee, and jointly discuss and solve the problems and difficulties in the work, the Health Department of the Student Union of our school is in the hospitalOn the afternoon of December 28, a seminar on the work of the Psychology Committee was held in 407 Student Activity Center。Representatives from 17 and 18 psychology committees of each school attended the seminar。

Before the seminar, the school Health Department collected typical problems encountered in the work of independently carrying out class group activities, spontaneously conducting peer counseling, consciously identifying and reporting crises from all psychological committee members of our school, and sorted out the common difficulties encountered in the work of psychological committee members on this basis。At the seminar, the participating psychological committee was divided into six discussion groups to fully exchange and discuss the above problems, and to brainstorm ways to find corresponding solutions。

This seminar set up ice breaking game, role replacement, free question and answer three sessions。In the ice-breaking session, the psychology committee members from different colleges increased their understanding and understanding of each other。In the role replacement,The psychological committee members follow the work scenarios set up in advance by the health department,Some typical problems, such as students' low enthusiasm in participating in activities, students' unwillingness to open their hearts during peer tutoring, and the lack of innovation in class psychological activities, are discussed in depth,The attending psychology committee will immerse themselves in the situation,Brainstorm and exchange ideas,Different solutions were eventually found。In the free question and answer session, the psychological committee also raised other difficulties encountered in their work, such as how to better help students deal with interpersonal relationships, study pressure, emotional problems, how to better play the nightThe role of "heart clear" messenger, how to balance the relationship between study and work, etc., once these questions were thrown, everyone also actively put forward their own ideas and suggestions, and finally every psychological committee member who asked questions got a satisfactory answer。The psychological committee members who participated in this seminar said that this seminar has brought great inspiration and thinking to their future work。

The psychology committee is in our schoolThe development of the psychological committee will directly affect the effect of the four-level linkage of mental health education in our school。Through this seminar, it not only provides an opportunity for the psychological committee members to communicate with each other, but also provides direction and ideas for better work in the future。It is hoped that the psychological committee members of our school can further clarify their work responsibilities, improve their work ability, and actively create a good campus atmosphere of "everyone learns psychological knowledge and everyone pays attention to mental health"。


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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012

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