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See who's lying
2009-05-12 17:10  

See who's lying

Author: (US) Lieberman, translated by Xiang Huiling
Publishing House: Chongqing Press
Category:self-knowledge/ Interpersonal communication 

Content introduction:

It's a world full of lies。All you have to do is be5All lies in minutes!
  In this book, the famous psychologist David
·Lieberman teaches you simple and quick lie detection techniques that make it easy to find the truth in a variety of situations, from casual conversation to in-depth interviews。
  The book cites examples of lie detection in almost any situation, and teaches you how to sniff out lies through subtle clues such as body language, verbal statements, emotional states and psychological signs, avoid the trap of deception, and return yourselfNo lie in the worldThe world of! 

About the author:

大卫·Lieberman, Ph.D., international best-selling author, sought-after speaker and consultant, top international authority on human behavior,Neurologic analysisThe founder of short-term therapy。
Various methods and techniques developed by the authors for the United StatesFBI, Admiralty, Global500Strong enterprises and20Used by government departments and companies in many countries。
He is in America.200He has appeared on several programs and is a frequent guest on National Public Radio.NPR), American Public Radio (PBS), The Today Show (The Today Show) and Fox News (Fox NewsIt has been sought after by major mainstream media around the world and is known as the field of human behaviorExpert of experts
His major books include:Get Anyone to Do AnythingInstant AnalysisMake Peace With AnyoneHow to ChangeAnybodySome of these works have been translated into11language。 

Editor's recommendation:

目 录:

Preface The winner of the game
Chapter 1 Clues to Deception
 第1Body language
 第2Quasi-emotional state
 第3Quasi-interpersonal interaction
 第4Class conversation mode
 第5Quasi-speech pattern
 第7Big search for lies
The second chapter Lies
 阶段1 Basic strategy
 阶段2 Advanced strategy
 阶段3 Final offensive
Chapter 3 Let the Truth Speak
 第1Class general conversation
 第2Class special situation
 第3Class topic dominance
 第4Class specific description
 第5Class of keywords to discover the truth
 第6Class access
Chapter Four: Mental games
 第1Class Strong Defense: Preventing lies
 第2Classes actively attack to recognize scammers
Chapter Five The Psychic Lie Detector
 第1Class embedded implied instruction
 第2类 4-3-2-1法则
 第3Kind of subconscious behavior
 第4Parapsychological division
 第5The secret of the eye
 第6Class cast the anchor of honesty
 第7Class heaven and hell
 第8Class builds a bridge of the mind
 第9Talk stopper hypnosis
 第10See for yourself
Chapter Six: The Ten Commandments against Deception
 第1Command to move the heart, lure the benefit
 第2Commandments enhance mental internalization
 第3Commandments change physiology
 第4The commandments provide additional information
 第5The commandments magnify the problem
 第6Commandment expressing expectation
 第7Commandments force confessions when they are uncomfortable
 第8Commandments highlight their strengths
 第9Commandment is proficient in information processing programs 
 第10admonitionSeek pleasure and avoid pain法则
Chapter 7: The Trap of Self-Deception
 第1Kind of refusing to see the truth
 第2A kind of twisted prejudice
 第3Kind of defeated by emotion
Chapter 8: The Con of the Connoisseur
Never fall for it


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