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Food Story
2014-07-05 08:39  


Chinese name Food Story

The foreign name is Ratatouille

Directed by Brad Bird/Jan Pickva

Starring: Brad Garnett/Patton Oswalt/Ian Holm

Movie plot

Even the most insignificant little person has the right to dream, even if he is just a rat living in the gutter。Don't look at people are mice, but also have a nice name - millet, and his dream is to become a chef in the kitchen of a five-star hotel in France。With an unrivalled gift for smell, Mi has spent her life immersed in the glorious ideal of "cook" and has struggled to move in that direction, ignoring the fact that cooking is the world's most pathological fear of rats。Don't think that all mice are as "unrealistic" as millet, at least his family is still normal, and for millet's whimsy are contemptuous, happy and content to live the life of rats are living with garbage。At this time, millet has been a little crazy, who can see something to eat, he can not help but imagine。

Millet in a chance, actually moved to a French restaurant in the sewer home。The founder of the restaurant is Xiaomi's lifelong idol, French chef Auguste, who once said that "anyone can be a chef" has long been honored by Xiaomi。But Millet had his own problems, for he could not allow himself to be found in the kitchen, or it would cause a terrible chaos that would shake the earth。

When millet is tortured and ready to give up, but found that there is a hapless apprentice Lin Quini in the restaurant kitchen, because he is shy and rejected, he is not talented in cooking, is about to face the fate of being fired。A man and a mouse who were forced into a desperate situation formed an incredible alliance: Lin Quini as a person in the front desk "performance", millet is dedicated to his creative brain, behind the scenes manipulation unexpectedly achieved incredible success together。Lin Quini, with the help of millet, has become the "genius chef" of the entire French food industry.

Film evaluation

Ratatouille is not as complex as Toy Story was more than a decade ago。At that time, the toys were all kinds of regular shapes, and the material was only plastic, and the various foods in "Ratatouille" had a variety of soft and hard materials。The difficulty of making these things feel edible in 3D is self-evident。The food was the technical focus of the film, and according to some pre-release interviews, Pixar employees went to a restaurant kitchen to take cooking classes in order to make the food look better than it really was。So, when Remi picks up a crumb, we can see the texture of the bread, and you just think it's the bread, not the shape and color of the bread。

All sorts of technical problems beyond food have seen Pixar's genius play out in previous films。The expression of hair is solved by the monsters in Monsters, Inc., the hair of Remy and his brothers in Ratatouille, the curly hair of Linquini, and the straight hair of Colette are all real and want to touch。The limber feeling was addressed in The Incredibles,In Ratatouille,The action of Linquini being dragged around the kitchen by Remi is even richer and more natural;Water technology has been around since A Bug's Bug,Culminating in Saving Lemo,In Ratatouille, Remi enters a sewer and is caught in a raging current,And then the flow goes from rapid to smooth,More delicate than the vast expanse of water in the ocean in Finding Nemo;The light and color changes of metal materials in motion are treated with emphasis in Cars,That's what got Ratatouille in the big box,And stainless steel cooktops can look pleasing to the eye。

  Pixar's technology is amazing, but you're never surprised by the technology, and the magic of John Lysett and Brad Bird is that you can watch their movies without asking questions like, "How did a computer do this?。Pixar's principle is that the technology is absolutely subordinate to the story, and Lysett told the storytelling artists that you should only imagine what is amazing, not whether it can be made。The task of Pixar's formidable technical forces is to conquer the boundless imagination of these artists。

The most precious thing about Pixar is the constant human camaraderie and kinship that permeates each of their films, whether expressed in animals or monsters。Toy Story is about the friendship of toys,The Incredibles is a midlife crisis,Saving Lemo is about father and son...Ratatouille has a friendship between Remy the Mouse and Linquini the slob,In the middle,Linquini, who became famous with Remy, forgot that it was Remy's work,Remi retaliates by having his family steal food,But eventually they learned the value of friends supporting each other;Remi's babbling about food to brother Emil,Although Emir couldn't understand,But he still risked his life to help his brother;Remy tells father about rats that can't leave a big house,"Food is fuel" and so on,And the father's most important understanding and support for Remi。That harsh, let a person think of the devil's critic, after eating Remi's stew, think of, is also a sunny day, the mother cooked food to his depressed mood swept away memories。All of this makes the food in the movie full of family and friendship。We can't smell those foods through the screen, and then only with emotion seasoning, can we feel the taste of those foods beyond the tongue and nose。

Pixar never forgets to add humor big and small to every detail, physical, verbal or dramatic。I knew the first climax of the humor came when the old lady, who had been asleep all the time, shot the mouse with a shotgun, and the old lady, at any cost, shot the shotgun wildly at Remy and his brother。The idea of Remi holding Linquini by the hair in the restaurant like a marionette "driving" Linquini is really wonderful, especially when Remi tries to "drive" Linquini around the house, open the refrigerator, pick up the food, take the noodles, crack the eggs, pour the wine, those who wriggled and laughed stomachache。

  The best is the military-style "management" of a large colony of rats.,After that old lady knocked down the ceiling,Numerous rats were found to have "landed" along with the ceiling,The old lady almost screamed wildly,Head of the rat nest,Remy's father shouted, "Go!Let's keep at it!Let's keep at it!Get on the boat!"Then all the mice rushed out of the room in a very quick but not chaotic mass,Run to the river to board a boat made of wood, boxes and other materials that have already been prepared,Ran for his life。At the end of the film, when hundreds of mice help Remy cook, they also obey Remy's organization, divided into classes, each performing his duties, and in good order。

  The rest of the humor is scattered everywhere。In the kitchen, for example, Clarett introduces the origins of various cooks, including gamblers, arms dealers, orphans, and even the unknown man who claims to have killed people with his thumb and used a toy gun

A chef's assistant who robbed the second largest bank in France。And then there's chef Skinner, who just wants to be laughed at because of his short stature and the way he talks。Linquini has always been sloppy and unsteady, mopping the floor to spill a pot of soup on the floor and pushing his bicycle through the door when he gets home is the best explanation for his handiness。

Pixar cartoons, like Hollywood cartoons, like to tell some obvious truth in the lines, truth is not a derogatory term, but in our years of "entertaining" principle has become very disgusting, because the truth in our works is always straightforward to make people vomit。In fact, in every movie, every novel, and even a painting, the author is talking about his own truth, including life wisdom, experience, and philosophy。The key is how to make something flow through the story and sound natural and pleasing to the ear in the right context。

  What moved me most about Ratatouille wasn't chef Gustav's inspirational "anyone can cook" line or the conversation between my father and Remy about whether they could change reality。The words that moved me the most came from a review of Amy's dish by the initially fierce critic Edgar,But not "all of us can be great artists.,But great artists can come from anywhere.",Not "but sometimes,Critics take risks, too,That's when they discover and maintain something new,The world is always unfriendly to new geniuses and new creations,New things need people's tolerance."。It's "A lot of times,The critic's job is simple,Our risk is minimal,We also enjoy the privilege of being able to comment freely on chefs and their cooking,We criticize freely,Do as one pleases,sensationalism,But let's face it,In many cases,Even the most ordinary junk food,It is far more meaningful than our criticism of it."。

This is a valuable life attitude, all people need to be respected, we can freely talk about anything, even curse very ugly, but people should have enough respect to give these people and things to be commented on even a little value。



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