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Beautiful life
2015-03-16 09:50  

名:  Beautiful life 

Other translations:  A happy legend 

Production Area:  Italy 

导    演:  Roberto Bernini 

编    剧:  Vincenzo Krami;Roberto Bernini 

Movie plot

1939The shadow of World War II hung over Italy。Guido is a kind, honest and optimistic Jewish youth who looks awkward on the outside。He is full of beautiful longing for life。He and his friend Ferruccio drove a broken car from the countryside to Arezzo town, his wish is to open a bookstore of his own in the town, live a peaceful life。Passing a barn tower, DORA, a beautiful young girl, suddenly fell into his arms from the tower, which had a wasp's nest, and wasps often harassed the local residents。DORA tried to save the people by burning the wasp's nest, but was stung by the wasp。Guido immediately took a liking to her and treated her wounds with enthusiasm, and in gratitude DORA sent some eggs to Guido and meaningfully watched him go。

Cloudy Italy, the Nazi reactionary forces are becoming stronger, Mussolini implements a tough policy of racial reform, Guido in has Jewish ancestry, his application to open a bookstore has been repeatedly blocked, delayed for a long time to get。His friend Firuccio's work has been in trouble for a long time。During the period of life forced, Guido had to work in a hotel as a waiter, he with sincere, simple, warm and thoughtful service attitude won the love of customers, among which there is a doctor Li who likes riddles, Guido's smart mind and sincere attitude expressed respect。

Once Guido accidentally threw a pot of flowers at the signatory while filling out an application(Rudolph)Head on, the signatory goes after Guido, who bumps into DORA at a corner, and the two meet again, igniting the flame of love in Guido's heart。He wasted no time in professing his love for DORA。

DORA is a school teacher, one day from Rome to the school inspector to inspect the school, Guido learned that, unexpectedly came to DORA's school inspector inspection。The headmaster received him warmly, and in order to please DORA and attract DORA's attention, Guido simply jumped on the platform to display his talent as a comedian, causing the students to laugh and the headmaster and teachers to be amazed。

Guido learns that DORA and her boyfriend Rudolph are going to the theatre to see the opera, and he also buys tickets to go, sitting downstairs, Guido can not take his eyes off DORA in the box upstairs。At first DORA is indifferent to Guido's pursuit, but since DORA hates Rudolph, she often hangs out with Guido。Rudolph throws an engagement party with DORA on his own。The party happened to be at Guido's hotel。Guido wins DORA's heart by skilfully getting her off Rudolph's back。DORA fell out with her parents, ran away, and married Guido。

After the marriage, good things happened, Guido's dream bookstore opened, and they had a sweet and lovely son Joshua。Guido often plays games with his son when he has nothing to do, and the family lives happily。A few years later, on Joshuwa's fifth birthday, the Nazis captured Guido's uncle, Guido, and his son, Joshua, and forcibly sent them to a Jewish concentration camp。When DORA and Joshua's grandmother came home excitedly to find the house empty and turned upside down, DORA realized what had happened。Although she is not of Jewish descent, she insists on going to the concentration camp with Guido and her son, and DORA is locked up in a women's prison, and Guido is unwilling to let his son's young heart be cast a miserable shadow from now on。In the brutal concentration camp, Guido tries every means to find opportunities to contact his wife in the women's prison, to tell DORA that he is safe, and to protect and take care of young Joshua, he tricks his son that this is playing a game, and those who abide by the rules of the game will score points1000You get to go home with a real tank。The naive and curious son believed Guido's words, and how he wanted a tank!Joshua endured hunger, fear, loneliness, and all sorts of harsh conditions。Guido played in such a way that his son's childlike innocence was not harmed in any way。

Guido goes about his dirty work optimistically while making up lies about the game。And he survived because of Dr. Lee's help。All the children were supposed to be killed in the bath, but Joshua unknowingly escapes the bath, and then his father Guido lets him mingle with the German children, telling him not to talk, saying that it is the key to scoring points。

When liberation comes and the Nazis prepare to flee late one night, Guido hides his son in an iron cabinet and instructs Joshua not to come out or he will not get the tank。He planned to take advantage of the chaos to go to the women's prison to find his wife DORA, but unfortunately he was found by the Nazis, when the Nazis took Guido past Joshua's iron cabinet, he still walked optimistically, suggesting that his son should not come out, but soon, he heard a gunshot, after suffering Guido died in the German Nazi gun。

In the morning, Joshua climbed out of the steel cabinet and was standing in the yard when a real tank rumbled up in front of him and an American soldier came down and lifted him onto the tank。Finally, Joshua and his son were reunited。

Film evaluation

With unique humor and exaggeration, Roberto Bernini plays an ordinary person who is optimistic and hopeful about the future life under the Nazi atrocities。The dialogue between father and child is a game in which the father takes great pains to preserve the child's humanity。In the end, the child gets not only the mother, but also the big prize the father says the tank, at the cost of the father's life。This very cruel lie is an expression of human love, and Roberto Bernini's portrayal of the father is quite successful。


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