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Yang Shuhan, College of Automation Engineering (2014-2015 Outstanding Student Mental Health Education Assistant)
2015-06-30 16:42  

I'm Yang Shuhan, head of the Psychology Department of Automation。Through personal efforts and the election of the whole class, I was honored to become the director of the automated Psychology Department, and I have been serving as the head of the department for the whole sophomore year. I have constantly exercised my working ability in these jobs。As head of the psychology Department, he works in real time。In my opinion, the main work of the minister of psychology should be divided into two levels and corresponding work has been done in a timely manner:

,The level of mental health, that is, to maintain the mental health of the whole class, prevent and timely find unstable factors, ensure the psychological safety of the students, and do a good job of communication between teachers and students。

1.First of all, I led the staff of my department to hand in the psychological feedback forms of each class every two weeks to understand the psychological status of the students and help them solve their problems in time。

2.Throughout the school year, the psychological class meetings of each class with a variety of themes are also carried out in full swing, teaching and fun, relieving everyone's daily life and learning pressure。

Second, psychological quality development level, that is, for all students to carry out a variety of rich psychological quality development activities, to guide the students' mental health development。As an excellent minister of psychology, while completing his studies, he must assist the school to carry out the publicity and popularization of all kinds of psychological knowledge, organize group psychological activities, and improve the mental health awareness and mental health level of the whole class。To promote students to pay attention to mental health, improve psychological quality, sound personality, enhance students to withstand setbacks and adapt to the environment;Promote the formation of healthy classes, optimize the learning atmosphere of the class, optimize the learning quality of students。

1.2014Last semester, when the freshmen came, together with other departments of the Student Union of our college, we jointly organized the freshman party of "meeting automatically and filling the campus with love", so that freshmen could fully show their talents, better adapt to college life, and further feel the colorful and full of human interest in college life。;

2.2014Next semester, actively cooperate with the activities carried out by the University student Mental Health Center, lead the department officers to publicize the "love hug" activity in the form of classes, and encourage students to actively participate。Enrich everyone's after-school life, mobilize everyone's enthusiasm, and better integrate into the collective。

  3.Organize freshman to junior classes to participate activelyWish wallThe activities allow each student to express their wishes, make them more firm in their goals and dreams, and make plans for their future better life。And strive to create a better life in the future college life。I also led the staff of the department to collect their wish walls and post them on elaborate publicity boards, and edited the videos recorded by each class to sort out the exquisite wish wall videos。

4.He also actively oversees psychodrama rehearsals and is honored to be selected for one of the few acting teams。Let the students release their true temperament in the performance, and be more united and friendly in the performance。 

First of all, I would like to thank the leadership teachers for their recognition of my work in the sophomore year. I think I will not be proud and complacent, and take this opportunity to continue to work hard to assist the development of mental health work。I hope that through my efforts, we can automate students have a sound personality, good psychological quality to adapt to the future life of various challenges, to create their own piece of the sky! 


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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012