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The second round of the 12th Mental Health Month's Psychological Theme Class Meeting competition was successfully concluded
2018-04-23 14:52  

As a classic activity of Mental health Month, psychological theme class meeting competition plays an important role in strengthening mental health education, setting up students' mental health awareness, creating a friendly and mutual aid class atmosphere and a positive campus culture。This year, the psychology committee member and the class members also participated in this activity actively and enthusiastically. After the recommendation of the department, there were finally36The class went on to the rematch。

The theme class meeting or chanting youth and optimism, or thinking about the future and flying dreams, or enhancing students' self-knowledge, or enhancing mental health awareness, but no matter what kind of theme, under the leadership of the psychological committee, the students' youthful enthusiasm can be pavement, so that the temperature of the venue is a few points higher。

Around the theme of "Finding love, feeling love and passing love" in this mental health month, the psychological committee member guided the students to speak step by step, and a few small questions can trigger a huge resonance。Love is around, it is often the little care of people around us, but it makes life extra warm。

Around the theme of exploring self and opening their hearts, with the guidance and encouragement of the psychological committee, the students began to open their hearts, so that the distance between the heart and the heart was once again pulled in。

On the theme of class unity and cohesion, we also feel that we are classmates, partners, and sincere fellow travelers. The activities under this theme can better reflect the importance of the team. Look at the classmates around us, aren't they our best teammates。

In the activities carefully prepared by the psychology committee, everyone can perceive their own indispensable position in the collective, just as the theme of the class meeting says, we are under the same roof, we are a family。

   Each class meeting comes to an end after a thought-provoking summary from the psychology committee, and even though the theme and content of the class meeting are diverse, they all exude a positive and youthful atmosphere。 


College life is inevitably confused and confused, and the purpose of the psychological class meeting is to help students find their own direction。Through the development of this psychological theme class meeting,Not only played a positive role in the psychological committee in the class,Improve the psychological self-help and mutual assistance ability of college students,Let the students deeply understand their own psychological conditions,With a confident and optimistic attitude to face the ups and downs of life,Draw a beautiful scenery for your life。


Contributor: Shuxin Psychological Association hot movement167李涵

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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012