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Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center successfully held 525 College students Mental Health Day publicity activities
2018-05-26 14:42  


In order to help students enhance the consciousness of valuing themselves and caring for others, expand the reserve of mental health knowledge, and face the study, life and work of the university with a good attitude, the Mental Health Education and Counseling Service Center of the Ministry of Student Affairs (hereinafter referred to as the Center) is in201852510:00-1330At the West gate of the new campus stadium525College Student Mental Health Day campaign, approx600The event was attended by college students, foreign students and teachers。

本次525The activities of College Students Mental Health Day combine the theme of the 12th College Students Mental Health Month "Find Love, Feel Love, Pass Love".It is composed of three links: First, the publicity board displays interesting mental health knowledge. The content of the publicity board takes the interesting psychological phenomena such as optical illusion and psychological effect as the starting point to elicit relevant psychological enlightenment, aiming at arousing students' learning interest and triggering their spiritual thinking;The second is writing"Wishing Walls and Blessing Walls",The center provides pens, heart-shaped cards and display boards,Students are free to fill in their wishes or wishes on the card,And then put it on a wishing wall or a wishing wall,Such ritual behavior will strengthen students' awareness of their goals and thus enhance motivation,Or they can express feelings that they are usually shy about showing, thereby enhancing friendships.Three: Hug"Cute Bear", a member of the Shuxin Psychological Association wears a bear rented by the centerCOSPLAY服装,The purpose of this session is to break the psychological defensive line of students through the cute bear dressed up, feel the kindness and warmth from strangers, go out of the psychological exclusion zone of lack of trust and acceptance of others, and enhance the feedback and expression of the care they receive。The content of these links is interesting, connotation, interaction and enthusiasm,Attracted a large number of students stop to watch, interactive participation,Many college students feel very good after taking part in the activity,Other students are also called to participate,They exchanged ideas on psychological knowledge and hugged the cute bear for a photo,Watch other students' wishes and goals, and meet for a photo in front of the blessing wall,One of the students also expressed excitement: "This activity is so good,It makes so much sense,This is the best event I've been to this year!" 

This activity was successfully concluded with the warm response and positive interaction of the students.The "Wishing Wall and Blessing Wall" will continue to be displayed in the third teaching building。Through the activities, students can realize the meaning of loving themselves and others, increase the behavior of caring for themselves and others, and apply the mental health knowledge learned to life practice, laying a solid foundation for their all-round development and happy life。







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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012