Psychological counseling center
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Psychological resources
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Psychological resources
Current Location: 首页>>Psychological resources
· [Clear flow of mind] Xi Murong: The Heart of a Lotus 2022-02-23 
· [Recommended "heart" book] The most famous work of contemporary art theory of love -- The Art of Love 2022-01-03 
· [Clear flow of mind] 如花 2022-01-03 
· [Clear flow of mind] Psychological tip: Want to lose weight?Let's get a smaller bowl 2021-12-27 
· [Psychological Lecture Hall] University of California: Overcoming public speaking Anxiety 2021-12-24 

· [Clear flow of mind] Intense attention lasts about ten minutes 2021-12-20 
· [Clear flow of mind] Singing out of tune is also a disease 2021-12-13 
· [Recommended "heart" book] Anxiety Relief Handbook: How to Self-discipline from Anxiety 2021-12-08 
· [Clear flow of mind] Your pupils dilate when you're excited 2021-12-06 
· [Recommended "heart" shadow] Inception 2021-11-24 

· [Psychological Lecture Hall] McMaster University Open Course: Discovery Psychology 2021-11-24 
· [Clear flow of mind] Humans spend 30% of their time in a mind-wandering state 2021-11-22 
· [Clear flow of mind] What is "Memory reorganization"?? 2021-11-15 
· [Recommended "heart" book] Take Mr. Toad to a shrink 2021-11-11 
· [Clear flow of mind] If the heart turns to the sun 2021-11-08 
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Northeast Dianli University mental health education and counseling service center 


Add: 320 College Student Activity Center, East Campus, Northeast Dianli University, 169 Changchun Road, Jilin City, Jilin Province, China Postcode: 132012